Welcome to my website workfromhomeadvice4you.com.
My name is Diana Donnelly and I am very excited about building this site. I have worked from home for the past 10 years first as a relocation counselor and then moved on to owning my own home based mortgage processing company, Donnelly Processing, Inc. In addition to my processing business, I also promote two successful network marketing companies. One helps you to earn income from shopping in major retail stores and environmentally friendly stores and the other business helps you earn income from products in the health and wellness industry.
Throughout my years working from home I have searched on the internet for other opportunities that were out there to supplement my income. After running across so many scams and waste of time gimmicks, I decided that I needed to share my experiences and present you with real options when searching for a work from home position.
I also have three children and love having the ability to spend time with them. Working from home gives me the flexibility in my schedule to meet them for their school events or not to have to worry about having an employer upset with me when I need to take time off to spend with them if they are sick. I know how difficult it is to find work at home jobs and want to help other moms who want to stay home and be with their children.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. If you would like to share your experiences, ideas, comments, suggestions, or want to learn more about my home businesses, please feel free to contact me. I will never share your e-mail address with anyone.
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