Wellness Jobs Are Becoming More Dominant In the Industry.
There are so many wellness jobs available for those who want to work in the industry of making people feel better, both inside and out. Some popular jobs in this industry as of late is that of a wellness coach or to get involved in network marketing to promote wellness products. Both areas support their clients in their quest to find a healthy lifestyle, by advising them on the proper decisions to make to meet their own particular needs and lifestyle.
Just to give you an idea of how fast this industry is growing, Paul Zane Pilzer, author of "The Wellness Revolution" wrote, "One seventh, $1.5 trillion, of the U.S. economy today is devoted to the healthcare business, what he refers to as the "Sickness Industry." However, by the year 2010, an additional $1 trillion of the economy will be devoted to products and services that keep us healthy, make us look or feel better, slow down the effects of aging, and prevent diseases from developing altogether. The implications of the shift to proactive wellness are far reaching from health to beauty to food to medicine."
This is the reason why jobs in this industry are growing so fast. The wellness coach may seem very similar to a nutritionist or a trainer, as far as wellness jobs go, but they are actually very different. A personal trainer focuses heavily on exercise and possibly small changes in your diet to reach your ultimate goal. Once you have reached your goal, you usually don’t need your trainer anymore. A nutritionist focuses only on the food choices you make, and though they stay with their clients for as long as their clients desire, they leave out other crucial steps to an all-around healthy lifestyle.
The wellness coach focuses on everything involved with a healthy lifestyle. A wellness coach focus is to encompasses exercise, healthy diet, and other healthy lifestyle choices that are to be exercised every day, for the rest of your life. Wellness coaches work with you to get your life in a healthier position, and offer support to keep you going when you feel like you may falter.
While most wellness jobs focus on teaching their clients what they know, wellness coaches focus on getting you to answer the questions you didn’t even know you knew the answer to. A wellness coach empowers their clients, and helps them work towards a sustainable path of lifestyle choices that will improve their overall health. Each plan is designed specifically for the client by the wellness coach, so each client can be assured that their plan is created to fit their particular needs and obstacles. To find more information about wellness coaching you can go to the wellcoaches website, wellcoaches.com.
In the multi-level marketing area (MLM) there are many businesses that you can work with that sell products to give people a healthier lifestyle. I am involved with a company, New Vision, with products that focus on overall wellness: diet systems; wellness products (vitamins and organic greens); aromatherapy; and personal care (lotions, shampoos). Feel free to visit my New Vision website. if you are interested in purchasing any products to help you achieve a healthy weight and lifestyle.
Wellness jobs are dominating the career industry. With many people realizing that they can no longer go on living their lives so unhealthily, they are turning to wellness professionals to help them get their habits back on the right track. A wellness coach can offer you the personalized plan and support you need to turn your life around, and focus on every last aspect of your life to ensure that you are living the best overall healthy life that you can.
If you would like more information about starting your own home based business in the health and wellness industry. Contact me and I can work with you to get started in your own business with New Vision products.
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